Jan 17, 2010 17:51

It's been a while since I've read Katekyou Hitman Reborn. It was never my intention to take such a long break from the series. I was frustrated at the time with it and was waiting for chapters to build up so I could go through things quickly and the next thing I knew 100 chapters had gone by.

Originally, I was just going to start at the beginning of the arc (TYL) where I stopped, but then decided to re-read the entire thing. It's a good thing too since I probably would have stopped again if I found out that they're still on the same damn arc! It's been two years! *sob*

It's not as bad now though (but I did speed-read the worst chapters). I think having all the characters there now makes the difference. Because for me, it's the characters that make the story (any story) and when I was getting annoyed before it was really only Tsuna, Gokudera and Yamamoto that were around. I love those three, but I wanted the others as well, but Chrome was in a coma, Lambo was being ignored, Dino wasn't around and Ryohei and Hibari were still their future selves.

I found the turning point was when Hibari replaced TYL!Hibari. Although they're the same character, there's enough differences between the two that make me prefer Hibari.

One thing I always did like about this arc though was the inclusion of Lal Mirch and later, Uni. There's not a whole lot of females in the series, which was always pretty depressing. Kyoko and Haru fill the role of cute girls who are left out of all the fighting, Chrome (who I do love) is basically just a place holder for Mukuro (he's the one who resembles the original Mist Guardian, not Chrome), which leaves Bianchi and I-Pin and even though both are shown to have fighting skills, they both are usually in the background letting the boys to deal with everything. :\

But Lal Mirch is awesome! She can fight and is good at it! Her relationship with Colonnello makes me sad though. Because he's dead in the future and in the present they're cursed as babies. They'll never be able to be happy together unless the curse is broken somehow.

Uni is equally awesome since she has powers that no one else has.

Moving on... I'm glad that Byakuran was finally revealed to be a threat. After Mukuro and Xanxus he seemed like such a joke villain for so long. He just didn't seem like someone who could defeat TYL!Tsuna and the rest of his family. He's much more evil now. I like him though so I hope there's a role for him in the series after this arc.

I'm also glad that the Varia are still in the series. Especially Squalo. And I like Xanxus attitude of supporting Tsuna (despite their past) for the sake of the Vongola family.

It looks like the arc might finally be over soon (unless Mukuro betrays them to kidnap Uni for himself which I wouldn't put it pass him since the first Mist Guardian was said to be a traitor). So I wonder where the story is going to go next. Once they're back in their own time, these guys are going to be way more powerful than anyone else of the era. Unless they lose their powers somehow, there's going to be no threat. (I don't want it to be over soon now that I finally got back into it!)

Pairings that I like (in no order): Chrome/Mukuro, Yamamoto/Squalo, Dino/Hibari and Lal Mirch/Colnnello. There are other pairings that I like but those are the main ones.

katekyou hitman reborn

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