Tsubasa - I can't believe it's almost over!

Sep 16, 2009 15:41

It really just accrued to me how much I'm going to miss Tsubasa once it's over. It's not my favourite series but it's been a part of my life for so many years it's going to be odd in a few weeks when there is no more. This is actually going to be only the second time I've witnessed the end of a series (the other being Yu-Gi-Oh), I usually get into a series after it ended or have gotten bored and stopped reading half-way through.

Tsubasa: RC was my very first CLAMP series. I remember the first time I saw it in the bookstore thinking that the art was so weird. I remember randomly coming across the anime, which led me to finally read the manga. I remember quiting it in frustration during the Piffle arc since the plot was simply going nowhere. And I remember the joy of picking it up again right before the Acid Tokyo arc started.

-the Captured Wing forum which was my introduction into the fandom. The KuroFay fans were outnumbered and sane back then and the KuroTomo and FayChii fans would always make fun of us when we'd try explain to them that CLAMP likes having gay characters and that there's no evidence that they planned on breaking up a canon pairing to pair her with someone new. And I remember fans going "oh you don't want to go to TC.net; they're homophobic over there!"

-the chaos reaction when Syaoran ate Fay's eye. The series went on a 3-4 week break right after that chapter and fans were going crazy over what happened. You also had X fans going "YES! X CHARACTERS ARE INTRODUCED AND A GOOD SERIES GOES TO BEING COMPLETELY AWESOME!".

-the dick mod of Captured Wing running out the cool mods, so everyone jumped to LJ or TC.net, where hey it was discovered that TC.net wasn't as bad as everyone said it was (although there were some members who proudly admitted they were homophobic).

-the long-ass X thread on TC.net where all we did was post pictures of the X characters.

-Nilie, who said 'wonderful' things like Hideki rapes Chii in Chobits.

-Kazemon who would support Nilie and also say things like "Tomoyo loves Sakura like a sister! If she was a lesbian she would be crushing on all girls!".

-TC.net closing down, which in an odd way was a relief even though I had a lot of fun there.

-Su-chan who trolled her friends because she was bored and who would bash anyone who dared to look at Fay including bashing Kurogane when he was ZOMG MEAN!!!!! to Fay (even though Fay was being an idiot at the time).

-but probably the most important thing was making so many friends in fandom (even though some are no longer around). Friends make fandom fun.

tsubasa: rc, clamp

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