Jun 20, 2009 15:17

I loved the CCS parents theory myself. That to me made more sense than anything. Especially all of the evidence that was shown beforehand. But then CLAMP pulled this because of the messed up time stream and all of the evidence that was shown was practically thrown out the window

Some people need to give it a rest. Most of the evidence suggested that the parents weren't from CCS, which includes Sakura herself saying that she met CCS!Sakura. It would have made no sense for CCS!Sakura to give the star staff to herself since an adult version of CCS!Sakura would have already had it.

Also I must say that it's amusing watching how the fandom has changed. I remember years ago when Real first showed up and everyone was bitching about how much they hated him and that they wanted the clone back. Now we have the clones back and people are bitching that they're tired of the them! That just goes to show you that even if you give fans what they want they're still going to whine, bitch and complain.

All along though fans have had this obsession with wanting to link CCS to TRC, starting with the theory that Real was CCS!Syaoran. I never understood it because I like CCS being free of the ANGST AND DOOM!!!!!! that is Tsubasa. (Although I do like the fact that CCS!Sakura had a cameo where she gave up her staff, it never made sense to me why the strongest magician in the world needed a staff to perform magic when people like FWR and Yuuko don't need one.)

tsubasa: rc, fandom! it burns us!

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