Tsubasa: RC

Jun 18, 2009 13:07


I'm not sure what's better. Seeing JL bragging all over LJ or watching people I don't like go "B-but th-that makes no sense!".

It's especially amusing when they go "Well of course I figured it out, the logic is just fucked up!" Uh huh, that's why (general) you were all over the internet last week arguing that there was no way in hell that the clones were Real's parents.

I don't have much to say about the chapter itself except that Syaoran and Sakura are beyond cute. They're freakin' adorable together. But Sakura concerned me. I can understand her being ill during her pregnancy, but she still looked pretty sickly when Real was a child. And yet during present day, she looks fine and powerful.

tsubasa: rc

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