Video games

Jan 04, 2009 20:34

It seems like everyone in NA is wanting to play WoW tonight. *is currently stuck in a 450 person queue to log on*

While I wait, I thought I'd give some early opinions of Persona 4. I'm only about 7hrs in but whatever. No spoilers (I doubt I'm in far enough to give away spoilers anyway).

- So far no one as annoying as Stupei and Yukari from Persona 3. Granted they both took a while to really get on my nerves so I might start hating someone here too but so far so good.

- The change in setting. I'm glad it's not another city and you attend the best school there. I like the fact that it's a small town in the middle of nowhere at a crappy school. It's a good change of pace from the last game.

- I like that they came up with a way for Shadows to be in the game without the Dark Hour returning. You worked so hard to get rid of the Dark Hour in the last game I would be sorta pissed if it was back (Retcon is annoying).

- I get the impression that Chie and Yukiko are suppose to be lesbians.

- It takes almost 4hrs to get to the point where you have free control over what the main character does. Persona 3 wasn't nearly that long: the full moon was the night after you arrived at the dorm, you're then in the hospital for a week and then tada, you can do what you want. Persona 4 however takes forever.

- You can only get the weather report a week in advanced so it makes it harder planning on when you're going to go inside the TV (you only have until it rains the next time to complete your missions). It's a lot easier in Persona 3 where you get a calendar that tells you when each full moon is.

- Less time to get things done. In Persona 3 you could do something in the afternoon (Social Links, etc) and still go into the Dark Hour at night. Here you go into the TV during the afternoon and at night there's nothing to do. When you try to go out at night, it says you can't. So there's a lot less time to work up your levels, your Social Links and your skills.

Despite the 'bad' stuff, I am enjoying the game. It's definitely a good game, it's just that Persona 3 was better (Although the main character in P4 has way better taste in clothing than the main character of P3; in P3 whenever he wore his normal clothes I always wanted to give him a make-over).

persona 4

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