Video Game meme

Dec 16, 2008 15:31

I stole a video game meme from my flist.

1. What was the first video game you have ever played?
I can't remember that far back. >_<

Pacman, maybe?

2. What was your first console?
Atari. I can't remember the number but it was during the mid 80s.

3. Have you ever visited a video game arcade?
Is the sky blue?

4. What was your first handheld?
The original Game Boy.

5. What was the first game you've beaten/cleared completely?
Don't remember. Maniac Mansion, maybe.

6. Games based off of real sports: Yay or Nay?
Nay. I don't like them. Except for WiiSports, that's fun but the Wii makes everything fun.

7. Online games: Yay or nay?
I'm in the middle. I like WoW and some other online games look interesting but the only other one I played was Final Fantasy XI and didn't really enjoy it.

8. Do you play any Massively Multiplayer Online RPG games? (MMORPGs?)
Only WoW.

9. Do you play any virtual pet games? (Neopets, Teripets, Aftermathzone, etc.)
No. I have Nintendogs but never played it.

10. Puzzle games and Strategy games: Yay or Nay?
Sure. They're fun.

11. Do you play any RPGs?
It's only my favourite genre of video games.

12. Do you play any Platformer games?
Yes. Mostly old school ones like Mario.

13. What was the first game/console/handheld of yours that stopped working?
PS2. Twice. It's still one of the best systems out there but man it's made pretty shitty. Hell even my NES still works if you blow in it for a bit.


14. Do you actually care if a game has a plot or do you just play games for the gameplay?
Plot. Gameplay is also important. Graphics not so much. *doesn't understand why everyone goes insane over graphics*

15. Name a few video game characters that are your favorites.
Kefka, Zelda, Snake, Vincent, Albel, Magnus, Id, Phoenix, Edgeworth

16. Name a few series that are your favorites
Final Fantasy VI, Chrono Trigger, Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2, Suikoden 1 & 2, Star Ocean III, Xenogears, Phoenix Wright

17. Has a video game ever made you cry?

18. Has a video game character annoyed you so much that you wanted him removed from the game?

19. Do you "pair" or "ship" characters up with one another? (make/create/write romance involving them)
In terms of fanfics only Axel/Roxas from KH II and various Phoenix Wright pairings. But I do like Celes/Locke from FFVI, Vincent/Cid from FFVII and Squall/Rinoa from FFVIII.

20. Do you write video game fanfiction?
No, I just stick to anime/manga fanfics.

21. Do you draw video game fanart?

22. Do you come up with theories on how a character came to be/what he or she would do in a situation/why he or she is moody/etc.

23. Are you a "fanboy" or "fangirl" of any character?
*shifty eyes* No, why would you think that...?

Boss Battles/Villains

24. Hardest Boss Battle
That stupid one in Kingdom Hearts II with Demyx where you have 10 secs to kill all those guys or it's game over.

25. Most Frustrating Boss Battle
Any from Dirge of Cerberus since FPS are stupid and annoying games! /bitter

26. Most Rewarding Boss Battle
Any final boss fight.

27. Funnest Boss Battle
I don't know.

28. Most Boring Boss Battle
I don't know.

29. Boss Battle that dragged out for a long, long time
The final fight of Final Fantasy VIII.

30. Boss Battle with the coolest music
Too many to chose from.

31. Most Surprising Boss Battle
Any easy fight. Specifically if it ends in just a few moves like many in Persona 3.

32. What's your all time favorite villain?
Kefka from Final Fantasy VI

33. What's your all time least favorite villain?
Luc from Suikoden III. I'm still bitter that they turned my best character into a villain and killed him off.

34. Do you ever feel sorry for the villains?
Not really 'sorry'. But I do like them.

35. Are there any villains that seem like they should be playing for the good guys, but aren't?
The Tales of Symphonia villains.

36. Most malicious villain?
It's a tie between Kefka from FFVI and Luca Blight from Suikoden II.

37. Most suprising villain?
Yourself as Darth Revan in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. \o/


38. What is your all-time favorite 2D Game?
Final Fantasy VI

39. What's your favorite 3D game? (PS1/N64 generation)
Suikoden II

40. What's your favorite arcade game?
Time Crisis 2 (not only did I beat it, I got the top score! \o/)

41. What's your favorite next-gen game? (Gamecube/PS2/X-Box)
(how old is this meme? Wii and PS3 is next-gen!) Kingdom Hearts II and Persona 3.

42. Sequels/long series: Yay or nay?
It depends if the sequels are good or not.

43. What's your favorite Online Game?
World of Warcraft.

44. What's your favorite console?
SNES. PS2 is the runner up.

45.What's your favorite handheld?

46. Have you ever got yourself involved in a "console war"? (arguing that a console is better than another console)
Not since the old Nintendo vs Sega wars.

Ah, those were the days! And we all know who won too since one company is still around and the loser is now making games for the winner! XD (can you tell which side I was on? lol)

47. Have you ever defended a character/game/console you liked in an argument? Which one?
Yes. Often it's Rinoa from Final Fantasy VIII since everyone hates her because Squall is theirs/Seifer's.

48. Name a game that you like but everyone else seems to hate.
Monkey Island. It's so hard finding Monkey Island fans.

49. Name a character that you like but everyone else seems to hate.
Franziska von Karma from Phoenix Wright.

50. Name a game that you hate but everyone else seems to like.
Final Fantasy X.

51. Name a character that you hate but everyone else seems to love.
Tidus from Final Fantasy X.


52. Have you ever stopped before you finished a game because it was too frustrating to go on?
No, but I've stopped plenty of games because I've gotten distracted by other games. There's so many that I need to go back in finish.

53. Will you stop at NOTHING to get 100% in a video game?
I don't care about getting 100%.

54. Have you ever injured yourself at a video game? (Space Invader wrist and Mario Party 1 blister victims may answer yes)
Mario Party 1 victim representing!

I've also hit myself in the head with the Wiimote, hurt my wrist playing Guitar Hero and exhausted myself playing WiiSports and the Mario/Sonic Olympic game.

55. Has a horror/survival genre video game scared you to the point that you refused to finish the game? Did you get nightmares from said game?
No game has scared me.

56. Have you ever thrown a controller/disc/cartridge in a fit of frustration?
Are you kidding? If I had done that my older brother would have killed me! I've gently put down the controller before and stormed off. And I've almost killed my keyboard a few times when I first started playing WoW.

57. Do you need to blow/clean certain games to get them to play?
Every NES game, lol.

58. Have you ever played a game for so long that you missed sleep over it?

"One more level, I'll get to one more level and then I'll go to bed... Of course the next level is 60/70 so I have to go get my mount first... and then since I just got my mount it would be a shame if I didn't ride it for a bit since I worked so hard for it..."

59. Were you ever involved in the Pokemon craze?
Trying to figure out what everyone was going crazy over. I was too old to be the target audience but at the same time too young to appreciate it as an adult. I was a goofy teenager who thought I would NEVER AGAIN get enjoyment out of some thing made for KIDS. *goes back to reading Harry Potter and watching Avatar*

60. Last but not least: Do you picture yourself playing video games 10, 20, or 30 years from now?
Is life possible without video games?

meme, video games

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