So many questions

Oct 17, 2008 03:07

So I've been thinking about CCS, TRC, xxxHolic and the current chapters.

It's pretty much a given that Sakura and Syaoran are dead since they're Watanuki's parents. (fuck you CLAMP)

So what happened to Yue and Kero? Are they back in the book waiting for a new master of the cards? I guess they must be. Kero can adapt more easily but this would make it the second time that Yue got "abandoned" and I can't really see him wanting to accept another new master.

Then there's Yukito. Without Yue, Yukito doesn't exist. I know he got power from Touya but wouldn't Yukito/Yue still have to rely a bit on Sakura's power? Did CLAMP really just kill two of their most beloved pairings with 'Holic and TRC?

Man, at least Sakura and Syaoran get to be dead together. Touya however gets to spend the rest of his life without Yukito.

I think that's what annoys me most about the whole Watanuki-is-their-son business. I don't really mind it when CLAMP does do bad things to pairings I like (SeiSub is my OTP after-all), but it would be nice for them to actually show it instead of randomly telling us that couples we thought got to live 'Happily Ever After' ended up in such bad shape.

tsubasa: rc, clamp, xxxholic, ccs

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