
Sep 07, 2008 15:01

A meme that I stole from a_white_rain.

1. If you write, fandoms you have written/are writing/plan to write and favorite ships.
Er, I haven't posted any of these yet but they're the last fics I wrote:

Clover - Gingetsu/Ran
Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle - Kurogane/Fay
Junjou Romantica - Nowaki/Hiroki
X - Seishirou/Subaru, Fuuma/Kamui, Sorata/Arashi

2. Fandoms/Pairings you are ADDICTED to at the moment:
Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle - Kurogane/Fay
X - Seishirou/Subaru
Junjou Romantica - Nowaki/Hiroki
Clover - Gingetsu/Ran
Dolls - Souta/Tamao
xxxHolic - Watanuki/Himawari/Doumeki
Angel Sanctuary - Alexiel/Lucifer

3. Fandoms/Pairings you like, but aren't necessarily obsessed with:
D. Gray-man - no pairing
Fairy Tail - no pairing

4. Fandoms/Pairings you're new to, but enjoying:
None that I can think of.

5. You can chose one non-canon pairing you love to become canon (in a good way that the writers don't screw up). Who do you pick?
xxxHolic - Watanuki/Himawari/Doumeki (and I normally don't like threesomes!)

6. You're only allowed to read fic from one fandom (any pairing) for the next three weeks. What fandom do you choose?
Yu-Gi-Oh since I'd just re-read all my old favourites.

7. You're allowed to refer to your favorite ship only by a shipper name. What ship is your favorite and what would you name them?
'Eyeballs' for Seishirou/Subaru. If I shipped Cloney/Fay I would have picked 'Nom Nom Nom'.

8. Two of your fandoms are going to collide in a spectacular crossover. Which fandoms would you pick?
xxxHolic and Legal Drug, which is actually kind of a cheap pick but still awesome.

9. You have to choose between reading bad porn about your fandom obsession of the moment, or no fic at all. What do you pick?
No fic. I actually don't read much fic anymore since I got tired of so many OOC ones. Plus lately I've been into small fandoms where you're lucky if you get two fics a year.

10. You're asked to pick a theme song for one character/ship. What song do you pick, and for whom?
'Tearin' Up My Heart' for Subaru. XD I think the lyrics explain it all:

It’s tearin’ up my heart when I’m with you
But when we are apart, I feel it too
And no matter what I do, I feel the pain
With or without you

11. It's 2 in the morning and you should be doing math homework/sleeping. What kind of fic do you read instead?
PWP since it's the only thing to read late at night.

12. The ship that makes you go "Awww" is...
Sakura/Syaoran from CCS and TRC. They're just too cute.

13. The ship that makes you want to yell, "Just have sex already, you morons!" is...
I don't know. Most of my OTPs are canon anyway so I just assume they're having sex off screen. Kaiba/Yami from YGO were my only pairing that really got that reaction out of me so I guess them. They were frustrating too; being so obsessed with each other and shooting each other longing stares (damnit, I miss those days!)

14. The ship you're probably going to hell for shipping is...
None? I really don't have that many weird ships and I'm not into stuff lolicon.

15. The character you alternatively love to death and want to beat some sense into is...
Fay from Tsubasa: RC. He's better now, I love him more than ever, but there was a long period where I just wanted to hit him every chapter (thankfully Kurogane did it for me).

16. The character you're almost embarrassed to admit you like is...
Kanda from D.Gray-man since I'm pretty sure everyone on my flist who reads the series hates him (lol) and he has a lot of moronic fans.

17. Your very first fandom/ship was...
Star Wars was my first fandom but I didn't really ship anyone since I was more into gen. (I do like Han/Leia, I just didn't ship them)

18. The fandom you could read any kind of fic in is...
None. Except maybe a really small fandom where the fic is so few there no OOC fanfics. I like my fics to have the characters IC.

19. The fandom you would totally write an anonymous Mary Sue fic in is...
Star Wars since I've done it before and would totally bring back my Dark Jedi who freelanced as a Bounty Hunter in her free time. (Hey, we all had to start somewhere!)

20. The show you would bring back from cancellation...
None? I don't really watch TV shows. I can't even think of a finished anime that I would want to continue (maybe Princess Princess if it went into BL territory).


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