(no subject)

Jul 27, 2008 18:04

This is made of fail. Not wanting to play a game because a character you thought was a boy turned out to be a girl.

Misogyny in fandom is so ridiculous. Especially since all the female!hate is done by women themselves. Jeez, they need to stop hating their own sex. Women, of all people, should know how awesome we are. Just because a character has boobs doesn't mean she's going to suck.

As for Naoto, I know nothing about Persona 4 (besides the fact that I want it, lol) but she looks so damn cute! I hope she's date-a-able and I hope I'll want to ship her with the Main Character instead of thinking them as BFF.

Damn now all this Persona 4 talk makes me want to replay Persona 3. I still need to get FES too...

girl power, persona 4, fandom! it burns us!, stupid fat hobbit

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