Second verse, same as the first?

May 18, 2008 02:28

Lately, I've been thinking about (yet again) how homophobic some CLAMP fans can be. I've seen nothing blatant lately (like denying that Subaru loves Seishirou) but I've seen little things here and there (mostly related to a few wiki sites).

That's something that never made sense to me. If you're a homophobe, why CLAMP? I mean there's are thousands of mangas out there ( alone has almost 600 series listed and they're missing some pretty famous/popular series) and most of them don't have canon gay. There are other magical girl mangas, there are other violent and bloody mangas, there are other WTF MY BRAIN!!!! mangas; instead of wasting your time on CLAMP wouldn't it make sense to read those other series instead?

Even if you do read CLAMP "despite the gay" why is there a need to be a jerk to CLAMP fans who do like that kind of stuff? I'm not crazy about brother/sister incest but I would never (for example) walk into the Angel Sanctuary fandom, mock Setsuna's and Sara's relationship, say they were simply confused kids and say that any fans of the pairing were 'sick'.

What gets me the most though is when they claim teh ghei doesn't exist. Seishirou/Subaru? Just friends. Fuuma/Kamui? They're like brothers! Kakei/Saiga? "Questionable" relationship but no solid proof. Tomoyo? Loves Sakura like a sister! Yeah, one side in these fandom fights is definitely in denial but I don't think it's the side that I'm on. Or is it normal to get a bomb implanted in your brain for someone you've only known a few days?

clamp, fandom! it burns us!, stupid fat hobbit

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