It's a good thing I never had any ambitions to be a rock god...

Apr 16, 2008 19:51

Because my hopes and dreams would have quickly been shattered. Ha!

Actually I'm not that bad at Guitar Hero (aka my new favourite toy) for a beginner. Sure it still only is three buttons I have to remember but I haven't been playing that long!

It's funny though, trying to find Guitar Hero III up here for the Wii is harder than finding the Wii itself during the Christmas season. You couldn't even order the bloody thing since the warehouses were all out of stock. So some mad thinking upon my part was done along the lines of "Ah ha! Favourite Aunt is currently in Florida taking care of Grandma, I wonder if they have any at the Best Buy near her?!" A few clicks at the US site for Best Buy told me they did! So she got called up and rushed to the store to get it.

She finally came home last night and I've been playing the game off and on since then.

But, I go to the store this afternoon and what do I find? 32 copies of Guitar Hero III for the Wii! *facepalm*

Figures that would happen. At least the dollar and the exchange rate is good right now so it works out to about the same price.

video games

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