Why did the peacock cross the road?

Mar 29, 2008 22:41

~While out today, I had to stop the car in the middle of the road to allow two peacocks to cross, lol. They escaped from a zoo and apparently decided the grass (or at least that brown stuff that is currently being called grass) was better on the other side.

~My favourite CLAMP place officially closed today (as a lot of you know since you were members there too). Instead of moping about, I decided to reminisce on the good times there. Like that time we completely took over and spammed the hell out of a TRC topic with stuff about X and Tokyo Babylon. Oh man that was the best time! In between pointless chatter we spammed the thread with hot pictures of the guys. I remember so many pictures of Fuuma licking Kamui were posted, lol. And so many Subaru/Seishirou ones, lol.

That forum was also the place where the phrase "At least I'm not Subaru" got started. That was fun too until so many other fans started running the joke into the ground and then the Faybrats got pissed because they felt 'Saint Fay' deserved the title of most angst character. Man, so many fans took it seriously when it was just a dumb gag I came up with when I first joined the forum to defuse a fight with Nellie (or whatever her name was). Because if I hadn't made a joke, I would have bitched her out and pwned her ass into the ground, but I figured that wasn't the best thing to do when I was just a newb there (and Captured Wing was already going downhill so I had no where else to go if I got banned).

The forum was also the birth place of the Tomoyo/Hokuto. The most awesome pairing that pretty much has since died out but it was fun while it lasted.

Ahh... good times. Even if the place hadn't closed, it was almost getting to the point where I felt ready to move on anyway. A lot of the people who were regulars when I first joined barely post anymore.

At least I don't have to put up with Nellie anymore. You know, the one who openly admits to being homophobic and says that Hideki rapes Chii. Yeah, her. Of all my years online she's the one who got to me most because she was just so damn dumb and refused to believe any proof you showed her to counter her arguments.

~One last point. I know should probably be the last person to criticize fanart since I can barely draw stick people but when I need to be told who the character is that you drew, especially when it's a series and character I love, you're doing it wrong. That character you drew, Ms Secret Maker #20 for today's fandomsecrets? Looks nothing like Tomoyo. And I'm not even going to get into the fact I think you're an idiot for saying that Tomoyo "deserves" Kurogane more than Fay.

minor bitching, clamp

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