I think I'm in Hell

Feb 09, 2008 15:42

Dear Mother Nature,

Please stop it with the snow. Two weeks in a row with a blizzard is not funny. Especially when there's suppose to be another one next week and when we continued to get dumped on by snow in between.

The rodent we call a 'groundhog' did not see his shadow, that means early spring, not the stuff you've been currently giving us. It's unwanted and we don't like it. Please be sending summer along soon.

The Frozen Snow Bunny


Dear Telemarketers from California,

Please stop calling my house and speaking in Spanish.

If you insist on calling, speak in English. The official languages of this country is English and French, not Spanish. You'll have a difficult time finding someone who speaks Spanish here since a lot of schools don't even bother to offer it as class (hell we're required to learn French and most citizens outside of Quebec can't speak it so just how much Spanish do you think we know?).

And, call your own damn country if you want to sucker people to buy your shitty product. We have our own telemarketers keeping us annoyed and busy with their crap.

No regards,
An Annoyed Canadian
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