WTF is wrong with people?

Feb 05, 2008 22:57

Out of boredom, I decided to take a peek at fandomsecrets (mainly to see if the place had cleaned up since I left since it's the perfect time killer). After going through a couple of posts, I'm amazed to see so many people with secrets that they think Light/Kira was right in Death Note and how they wished he was real.

Umm... did they read the same manga as I did?

Because I seem to remember Light killing innocent people. In particular I remember and FBI(?) couple from the beginning of the series (ie before Light really started going insane) where Light killed the husband and then later the wife when she was determined to find out who killed her husband. What did they ever do to deserve to die?

Or L. How was L a criminal?

And lets not forget that Light loved using friends and lovers to achieve his own goals (great friend there). Is that really someone you want with a book where if he writes your name down in it, you die? If he can turn on his friends/lovers so easily what makes you think he wouldn't turn on your for having a dog that barked loudly? Or for beating him to a parking space at a mall during Christmas time? Or for owning a cat that trespasses onto his property all the time and does its business in his flower garden? Talking loudly on a cellphone? Spending too much time watching TV/playing on the computer?

I get liking Light, since he's an interesting character and I definitely have no problems with liking characters who have killed, are psychopaths, are jerks and a variety of other bad traits (since I like plenty of characters like that myself). But wishing that Light was real would be like me wishing Seishirou was real!

I mean, think about it. Seishirou helps society too since he killed that lady who was going to become a huge cult leader in a few years. How is that much different from what Light does?

death note, fandom! it burns us!, anime, manga, stupid fat hobbit

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