The more you know!

Nov 27, 2007 01:27

Reason #1 for Playing a Female in WoW: Random males giving you items and money, simply because you're "hot". Even if you're one of the "ugly" races.

Of course me being the bitch I am, I gladly accept whatever they're giving me and then log out or run off if they attempt to further talk to me.

Reason #1 for Wishing You Could Attack Friendly People/Towns: Being forced to deliver messages between two people who are standing right next to each other.

Fred: Oooh, deliver this to Joe!
*finds Joe standing in the doorway of the building you're standing right in front of*
*goes over to him*
Joe: Fred's right! Deliver the results to him!
*turns around to speak to Fred*
Fred: I knew it! Tell Joe that!
*back to Joe*
Joe: Fred says that? Really? Tell him I don't believe him!
*Fred again*
Fred: Whatever! Go get your next quest from Joe.
Me: *eye twitch*

Gah! Just because I look like a cheetah doesn't mean I want to be your mail service! You're standing right in front of each other, they would have heard you!


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