Sorry Subaru

Sep 20, 2007 04:39

I had a freaky dream last night.

In the dream, I developed a freaky-ass stalker after being nice to a person on 'World of Warcraft' because he now thought we were "in love" and "meant to be". So I go on the run, hiding out in an all girl's boarding school and cut off all my communication from the outside world.

But the crazy-ass stalker finds me and starts roaming the halls and checking the rooms one night while I'm hiding under my roommate's bed. He catches me when I try to make a break for it (he was like one of those slasher movie monsters who just keep going no matter how many bullets you shoot at them), which is when I really started getting freaked out.

So I took the cheap way out, I took control of the dream, bending it to my will and changing things to a happier conclusion... WIN! XD

Crazy-ass stalker turned into Seishirou and Subaru popped from out of no where at arm grabbing length. A quick grab of Subaru and shoving him at Seishirou solved all problems and the last thing I saw, while running away, was Seishirou putting some Fuuma-like moves on Subaru.

See! Reading CLAMP is good for you since it saves you from freaky dreams!

Of course now I hate myself for not sticking around to watch Seishirou and Subaru getting it on.

And I've decided to be a jerk to everyone on WoW for the time being (you know, just in case).

wow, clamp

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