So, it's exactly a year since Michael Jackson died. I can't believe how fast it's gone; it literally seems like it just happened, my memories of that night are so clear. I can't remember anything else about that day though, all I remember is being sat in the living room with my parents. We were watching Big Brother and I was on the internet on the laptop, and my friend Shona messaged me saying that I might want to get a refund for my MJ tickets because he'd had a heart attack. Well, of course, my face was something a bit like this...
So my parents clocked on instantly, and were like, "what is it? What's wrong." As soon as I told them, we flipped over to the news channels and it was all going on. I still remember watching everything, and staying up after my parents had gone to bed to watch more. I watched the helicopters taking his body to the coroners, and most of all, I remember watching Jermaine's press conference. That was the first time I cried, and then right after that they showed some footage of him backed to You are Not Alone...I blubbed.
My first memory of my love for Michael Jackson was when I was probably about, 3 or 4. My parents had an old record player that I found amusing, and the Thriller single, which I can remember playing and walking around my living room, pretending I was in the video.
Also, every time I went to visit my aunty and uncle in Bristol, I made my cousin put on their Thriller video so I could watch it. I'd get terrified at the werewolf part (I was young!) but I loved it.
Also, we had 3 videos that I kept playing; one was one of those vh1 showings of all the MJ hits, which my parents must have recorded...I don't even know when, Heal the World was the most up-to-date song on there...I used to watch that all the time, as well as Moonwalker, and when I got a bit older, a video my parents recorded before I was born of the Dangerous tour which was televised. Boy, was I a saddo.
My parents always promised my brother and I that if and when Michael Jackson was to tour again, we'd go. So when he announced This Is It, I NAGGED them, reminding them of the promise, and -gasp- WE GOT TICKETS. I remember that day too, I was off school because I was taking part in Wings to Fly with drama, and I turned up that morning agog with the news that my father had just booked us tickets. I was SOOO happy, and excited.
Obviously, I never got to see him. That's the thing that I think kills me the most, I was so near, yet so far. But I know this much...Michael Jackson will always be possibly my favourite musical artist of all time. In fact, I don't think there's a possibly about it. I'm not afraid to look sad and admit that yes, I am a Michael Jackson fan, good and proper. I loved - love him and always will. There isn't a song of his that I don't like, and that's a bloody good accomplisment, in my opinion.