In which I attempt to talk about Decade 12 and end up mostly talking about Agito

Apr 16, 2009 17:33

Try as I might, I cannot keep writing long enough to hit 500 words. Maybe in another life.

I both liked and disliked Decade 12. I'm a bit of a sucker for additional heroes usually, since they're generally introduced with flash and drumrolls, and I'm easily enthused. My enthusiasm for both Diend (DiEnd? I dunno, DiEnd ruins the die+end joke, doesn't it? Or not.) and G3/G3-X/G4 knows no bounds, seriously.

Daiki is flashy, excellent, and knows something about Tsukasa's past, which means I'm required to like him or something, since one of my major literary interests is complex interpersonal relationships, which I can totally pretend exists here. I like Diend because the suit is made of Legos, and I loved my tiny plastic imagination toys as a kid.

I liked Hikawa a lot. I hate misunderstanding plots, and Agito had several, but Hikawa was just absent-minded enough to make his episodes of oblivious entertaining and relatively plausible. I also loved Ozawa with great passion for various incoherent reasons, and the idea of a man-made suit you had to put on piece-by-piece was excellent, since henshin belts for man-made suits make no sense. The G3 suit may have been impractical, but I loved that impracticality, and I loved that truck. I'm terribly disappointed there's no truck in Decade's Agito World, by the way.

Anyway, the Rider I never liked much in Agito was Gills. I grew to like Ryou eventually, but never his Rider form. Until series midpoint or so, I could barely stand him at all. I'm not shy about mentioning my dislike of romance as a plot device or the defining element of a character, and he was way too focused on his girl troubles for my sympathy. After he was fixed with the magical overexposure power, he was pretty cool. Gills just never appealed to me, aesthetically or otherwise. I'm not so into wild out-of-control heroes. I liked the foot spikes, and that was it.

My bias infects my feelings about Decade Shouichi, naturally. He's interesting, but he suffered in my initial impression for being Gills. I do like the idea that Gills is a person who couldn't become Agito, though, because the existence of Gills in the original series was kind of random and nonsensical. Why didn't Ryou just become an Agito?

So, Decade 12.

Whenever Daiki/Yuusuke/Yashiro etc. was on screen: 8DDDD
Whenever they weren't: :D
Whenever Gills was on screen: ... :/

screwed to sticking-place

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