Crest White Strips taste horrible. Enough said.
Our newspaper sucks so bad. As I was reading it today, I couldn't help but ask myself this question: "Do these people actually get paid for this senseless, paperwasting crap?" One woman took up about one fourth of a page talking about her grandson falling asleep on a family trip and wondering why the trip went by so fast. No one cares woman. Get a life. But, that dumbass has given me the idea of trying to get a job at the paper. I mean...They get paid by how many words they put in their columb, and SURELY I can write about more senseless crap that is at least more entertaining. I'll just make up one would know the difference.
We had school pictures today. I hate pictures. I'm what you call...not photogenic? Yea. That's it.
For those of you wanting to read my version of 'Twas the Night Before Christmas, I regret to inform you that it is lost. My friend thought she had it on her computer, but she was mistakend. So...I guess I will try to write it again. I made another 98 on my Algebra II test today. That's three 98s in a row..not that I'm complaining. I have to move up in ranking in my class. I was in second, but I want to be first...grr. I'm just very competetive when it comes to school work.
I'm going to start song writing again I believe. I still haven't finished my song that I think is such a great idea. Its called Road to Nowhere, and I even have the cover of my album made...HAHA yea right like i'll ever have an album but man that would be cool. anyways heres the pic but like its bad quality cuz i had to scan it....oh well)