Jun 02, 2010 21:07
[If you were lucky, Amestris people, you might have caught the strange sight of a white wolf (or a white wolf with red markings, depending) leaping onto the airship just as it was pulling away from the dock. You won't find the wolf until you search a little cranny on the upper deck-- she's hiding behind some barrels and crates. About five minutes after initial wolf sightings, this journal post comes up. First, a voice post. There is distressed whining and whimpering, and then it switches to text.]
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[And once the voice button is pressed again, all you can hear is barking. She barks anxiously for well over several minutes. Anyone who can understand animal language will know that she's speaking about someone called Issun and how she accidentally left him on the dock, but otherwise, it's dog barking to all ears that can hear it.