Oct 16, 2007 18:37
I ran into a classmate from my anthropology classes after my midterm today. His name is Tamer, and he doesn't suck. In fact, he's pretty cool, and he is really excited about MMORPGs, which he doesn't know a whole lot about.
He is trying to write a paper for class and needs to interview several people who play World of Warcraft at least 8 hours a week. This would be in-person interviews, so outside of the Baltimore/DC area would be inconvenient to him. He is willing to drive to a location of your choice at a time of your choice in order to conduct the interview, which will consist mostly of you talking about WoW and him going "Oh, really? tell me more about that", probably with a tape recorder, hopefully lasting for about an hour. He will have some papers for everyone to sign saying that he won't reveal your identity &c &c.
I'm going to call up and bug some of you who I know are big dorks, since I remember how hard it is to get people to participate in your stupid qualitative research projects. If you want to willingly give yourselves up, e-mail me (username at gmail) in order to get his phone number and e-mail address.