MAN I am on a roll with wacky dreams. :'D I'll cut this one, but this time
halfcocked was in it and
actualrapist had a minor part later.
RIGHT so. Iiiii guess in the dream there was this online game that everyone played it, and I got this really bright idea for how I could actually walk into the game, like... and actually be myself, not someone at a computer puppeting an avatar. The game itself... it wasn't actually Second Life, but it was similar in the sense that the scenery was varied (we were in a city most of the time) and you could make your avatar whatever you wanted.
So I go out onto the balcony and I try to make the portal but it's too small. So I step back a few feet and redo it and it's bigger-you know, like with a flashlight on the wall or something. So now that it's big enough, I walk through and... I'm in! I start off in a parking garage, and idk,
halfcocked is walking around it like a creeper, AND HERE'S THE THING. To EVERYONE ELSE playing the game, I just seemed like another avatar. No one knew I was an actual person. But I knew that everyone was a player at a computer. So I kept thinking it was really funny that
rinkhals had no idea that it was really me. |D But, I will just refer to the characters, rather than the players, for sake of ease.
Anyway probably against all better judgment I follow him and try to pretend I'm NOT, all the way out to the sidewalk and then to the street corner. (Side note, as some point I stopped to pet a cat that had gotten into someone's car, because they left their window a little too open. XD) AND WE START TALKING? There was something about how the street we were crossing had a funny name, and I was like, "Man I bet EVERYONE makes a joke about it!" and he said something about how no, actually, they were capitalizing on the name, and I wish I could remember what it was for the life of me, but it was something inappropriate I think.
So we're walking down the street and there are doors open on either side, and one's to some sort of... Jewish... ceremony? I don't know what it is, but he rushes in, and I am stranded outside like I CAN'T GO IN, I'M NOT DRESSED APPROPRIATELY. In a t-shirt and jeans. But I go in anyway and steal the seat next to him and there's a big crowd in there. And we're all watching the wedding video of these two French cyclists, and he starts laughing and INSIDE I'M ALL "lol what getting ideas for your wedding 8|" but I can't say that because my cover would be blown so I ask about it, and there's some conversation that follows that involves something like having one person as a First Wife, and the whole world as Second Wives, not in the sense of getting divorced, but more like MASSIVE POLYGAMY. It was because of something strange he said but I forget what.
THIS IS WHERE the timeline gets hazy, because somehow it went from that, to getting told that I can't actually die at all, ever, and now there was like some sort of weird Loveless theme about losing ears/one's virginity before you're able to die, and to PROVE IT he got
actualrapist to help push me off a cliff and cut me into pieces BUT IT DIDN'T HURT it wasn't bloody and I was still conscious. It was more like... "well that sucks." and they kept alluding to something I had to do to be able to die, but they wouldn't tell me what the hell it was.