Title: Last Distance ~Zenpen~/"Last Distance ~First Part~".
Artist/Circle: Sonomiya Kaede / Irohabako.
Characters/Pairing: Asch/Luke. In order of appearance: Sylph, Rem, Shadow, Efreet, Gnome, Undine, Ramdas, Guy, Natalia, Suzanne, Yulia, Lorelei, Duke Herzog, Tear, Florian, Anise, Jade, Pere. Short mention of Van.
Rating: PG.
Warnings: Spoilers for the ending.
Download Links: DDL,
★ A note to the leechers: If there's way too many downloads and not enough comments for this file? We won't be publicly releasing the rest of the series. Seriously, you guys have the easy part: all you have to do is click on a link, unzip a file, and enjoy. If you can't spare us two seconds to acknowledge our hard work, we'll keep our releases to ourselves. I have no qualms with that, and there's already been 44 of you.
This file contains 95 images and is 54MB. If you have a slower connection and need the download to be split into parts, the file is available in three parts:
Part 1: DDL,
Part 2: DDL,
Part 3: DDL,
Summary: Translated from Sonomiya Kaede's website. Book two of the five part series.
Luke took his promise with Lorelei to heart. "Lorelei, I want to become Asch's life--..."
Luke and Asch head to Daath where the Key of Lorelei is being safely stored. Ever since Asch came into contact with the Key, his body has been showing strange symptoms--ones he has begun to identify as those he suffered at the onset of the Big Bang. At the same time, he begins to notice strange things he can't explain happening around him.
He's also started to realize something strange about Luke...
The story continues, four years after they saved the world...
An Asch/Luke conclusion to the ending. Serializing in five books.
If you missed the first part, see it
here! ★ Comment if you download. Your feedback is always appreciated. ♥
★ Credit the artist or circle if using scans for graphics.
★ Please DO NOT reupload or redistribute.