Sep 01, 2004 22:29
blah blah blah...i have no perception of what my life could be if i didn't have all this crap to do. dont get me wrong i love school, hate the work, i like work, hate the manager, i like to read, i dont have time, i like boys, i dont get them. i feel as if there's a part of me thats missing somehow like i missed out on a lot of things most people my age have already experienced. i'm a homebody and i've been sheltered all my life...why me?
isnt self pity the most wonderful thing? i love it it just makes me feel oh so much better! (note the saracasm of it all). so yeah i just feel like i'm not here right mind is swimming with information that i dont need right now and i seem to be falling into my daydreams a lot more often than usual. feelings such as these are hazardous to my health...however, i love to daydream and without i wouldnt be who i am today. it gets me through the day and through anthropology of religion! know you feel the same way dezi only you dream cause youre actually asleep in class!!! sorry couldnt help it!
so angel asked me why didnt i tell all of ya'll what she said...well here it is:
the cute jewish boy in our class was answering the teacher's daily question of what do you do on sundays do you go to church?
cute jewish boy: i wouldnt know i'm jewish.
during break
me: i didnt know he was jewish!
angel: well that explains his sabbatical to israel he took last semester.
me: oh yeah...
angel: well at least now you know he's circumcised!
me: (turning very red in the face) only you would think about something like that!!
angel: actually a lot of people would think that!
(laughter again)
all the meanwhile this conversation is going on the cute jewish boy is down at the other end of the hall staring at us because we're laughing like a bunch of jack asses which only results in me turning even more red and laughing even harder. needless to say that comment is going to stick with me for the rest of my life...hehehe
so there it is the tale about my adventures about the little jewish boy in my class who is very tall and has the brightest blue eyes i have ever seen in my life...and his ears! i've had this fetish with ears since i was a little kid...i dont know maybe it comes from my dad having big!
i guess thats it for now!