With all the media buzz about the upcoming The Devil Wears Prada, the movie version of Lauren Weisberger's chick lit novel, I've been thinking. I yearn to be, at least, a senior editor in a high profile fashion magazine. But I know that before I get there, I'll most likely have to serve as an intern first, because, of course, I can't just make it to the top in the beginning. I understand the lowly, menial jobs interns are forced to deal with - getting coffee for their bosses, photocopying, filing, running tedious errands, stuffing envelopes, the general boring desk jobs. But I'm willing to do that. Well, if it gets me a shot at the top, I'm willing to do all of that.
But with the newly discovered craze over The Devil Wears Prada, I'm slightly unnerved by the thought of a cutthroat, diva-esque Editor-In-Chief who sees my position as an intern as disposable, that there's more fashion savvy girls who can write out there who want to be an intern if I don't suit the E-I-C's flavor.
From the trailers, Meryl Streep does a great job in the movie portraying the witchy (with a capital B) editor of Runway magazine. What if my future boss is like that? Like this woman-turned-beast who whittles interns' self esteem and self worth to mere pencil shavings. I'm almost afraid that I'd put on some sassy pants and put her in her place, if for only a moment...before she fires me.
And then seeing Lisa Love, real-life West Coast editor of Teen Vogue, on the MTV series The Hills with Laguna Beach's LC (aka Lauren Conrad) makes me almost believe that nearly all editors are out to belittle their interns. Really, she's not that bad, but she could give her interns a little more recognition and treat them a little more like human beings and not slaves. Although the word intern could potentially coincide with the word slave.
Ah. But I am only hypothesizing about my future, potentially non-existant boss. In any case, I'm going to make it to the top. I will claw my way up there, even if it means taking down Ms. Wintour herself. Oh, did I say that out loud?