Aug 21, 2004 09:57
im awake. i didn't get ANY SLEEP last night because i was on the phone with kevin until 3 am. and then an hour later kate called me. blahh im so dead its not even funny. ok well i just started this livejournal thing for me. i have no idea how you work it? maybe i'll ask julia she's into this kind of stuff. anyways last night i walked around with joe and kim. we walked to whitle castle and joe ordered me one of those big shakes =] . joe is awsome yo! then we walked to kohls and me and kim tryed on these really cool hats! lol they were cool! and then we walked to this park that was like a MILE AWAY! my feet hurt so much! then we got there and joe pushed me on the swing!haha me and kim had a jumping contest! and we fell right in the sand but then we looked up at the sky and just looked at the sky.then i closed my eyes and just layed there. then it was about 11 and i had to be home soon =\ . so we walked back to white castle and i called my mom and told her to pick me up. it was an awsome night<3 joe and kim are like MY BFF'S! haha then i went home and talked to steve online for a bit about some things. he's a great talker!! on sunday kate wants me to go iceskating with her! haha who iceskates in the summer? WE DO! ok well im gonna eat then try and go back to bed. and i think im gonna try and make some LJ FRIENDS. so i mite try and add sum people and ask them if they want to be LJ FRIENDS. ok, DANA<3