May 29, 2004 13:17
well i havent update in a while and for good reason too. Well havent done much really. school is really starting to get old. i know nobody likes school but now that it is so close to being over the weeks are going by so slow. This year went by so fast i didnt even pull over to enjoy it. i mean i had some really good times but i dont really remember anything. atleast anything from the beginning of the year. it is so strange. oh well. umm the seniors graduated lastnight. that is quite sad. alot of the seniors were some of my good friends and thinking that i wont see them everyday anymore is kinda of depressing. had exams all weeks that sucked well they werent exams High School Assesements to be exact, but all in the same they sucked terribly. last night went to a show at KOC. it was actually really good. Dan's band The Still Point did superb. the bullies also did really well. umm after the show went to vinnies and had a sleepover. eddie came so that was a satisfying suprise. today idk what im gonna do but tonight im going with amanda and her little brother so that should be fun lol. we are gonna go ride rides at the carnival and that should be excellent. i am glad summer is almost here. i cant wait to go out with my friends everynight. hopefully it will be as fun as last year. going to oc everynight and just hanging out with rick eddie and sean. those were really fun times and i hope this summer is just as good. it should be better actually now that i think of it. i get to be with my baby all summer and that should be excellent. amanda is so great and hanging out with her is always fun so this summer should be great haha thats sweet. i also got a new background check it out please :)