So. When I went to Bloomington for Lotus Festival earlier this semester, the hipster heaven that is TD's CDs and LPs was having one hell of a sale - fill a box for $5.00. I ended up squeezing 30 CDs into my box (snrk), and promptly proceeded to lost the box. But! I just found it. Here's what I got:
Carla Werner - Departure
Twine Men - Hi-N-Dry
Howlin' Maggie - Honeysuckle Strange
Leona Ness - Comatised
Jawbox - My Scrapbook of Fatal Accidents
uuvvwwz - uuvvwwz
Sean Na Na - Family Trees (or: Cope we Must)
Echology - Level 1
Kinnie Starr - Tidy...
Menthol - Menthol
Slavic 747 - We Meet the Enemy Simply
The Rough Bros. - Big Load
Matthew Ryan - May Day
A Man in a Tree (Laci Kollar-Klemencz and the Little Cow Melancholics) - Music for Rabbits
Spring Heel Jack - Treader
Shudder to Think - 50,000 B.C.
Plasticene - Seeing Stars
Beeble Brox - Quantum Tweezers
Erasure - The Innocents
Magnet - Don't be a Penguin
No Wait Wait - About Ya
Troublemakers - Doubts & Convictions
The Young Person's Guide - Tiny Lights
Spaceways - Trad
Panic Strikes a Chord - How to Ruin a Perfectly Good Thing
Vinyl Star - Happy Couples Never Last
Locust - Wrong
O&O Records - The Centre of the Universe, Book II
Time Shard - Hunab Ku
The thing is, I've never heard of any of them either. And that's what's so exciting about it. So, every day in January, I'll be listening to and giving my opinions on each of them - just to give me something to do, lololol. It's gonna be an interesting month.