(prepare for theatre gushing)
Our theatre department here at UE recently started their production of
A Midsummer Night's Dream(click the link! watch the video!), and I must say it was one of the best shows I've seen them do in all my years here - definitely the best in Shanklin Theatre (the campus's main theatre and biggest draw). Everything was polished even beyond the already incredibly high standards we hae set here, and it honestly blew me away. (not to mention, it was more eye candy than I'd ever taken in in a single night. I'd jump, like...90% of the cast, unf).
-Craig Brauner as Nick Bottom: Hammier than a Christmas dinner and perfect for it.
-Petra Quince's whole troupe in general: I was literally sweating, i was laughing so hard at their antics.
-The faeries: Immaculately costumed and made-up, they made me completely forget that there was any sort of wire.
I SINCERELY wish you all could be here to see it, and implore you to see a show if you ever find yourself in Evansville when one's being put on.
21. a photo of you standing up
I've given you guys enough sale photos, here's a photo from Halloween last year.
...long story.
22. a photo of your town
No idea what that is, but it's suuuuper cute.
23. a photo of your friend as a baby
24. a photo of you that your hair looks nice in
Bitch, all of them. This one especially.
25. a photo of a night you loved
Halloween, this year.