Where did Reithie go...

Jul 14, 2006 15:59

7pm driving to Bowling Green
Sunday, afternoon, driving to Nashville
Tuesday, early, driving to Louisville or Lake Cumberland
Friday, early afternoon, driving to Louisville

MY 20TH BIRTHDAY IS FRIDAY AND I HAVE PRACTICALLY NO PLANS...kind of weird, if you know me at all you understand why. I will not be "celebrating" with my ex and his girlfriend again this year, because that was horrible torchure last year. I do really well when they are apart, but I don't handle them "together" very well.

I miss Erica, I call and she doesn't call back. I'm crazy busy, and she crazy busy and I miss her. Jena is "natural" again. Apparently she went blonde yesterday but I haven't seen it and probalby won't til next Friday or so. I do not know what to do to make bday feel special this year. I was going to go to King's Island, and I invited my gal pals and they pretty much all said they were coming, funny story...not one but Cathy remembers. So that is shot to you know where. It's like it doesn't even exist this year which truly stinks because it is important to me so you would think it would be important to them. There is a film competition next weekend. I offered to help because I knew my birthday was passing by the wayside, but I am not even needed for that and I am a fricken BCOM major! A movie premiere tomorrow night, I am an extra and I did minimal behind-the-scenes stuff but I'm not going. I will be in BG, and if I was in Louisville I would be with Cathy. Cathy and her family need prayers today, her grandmother passed last night about 11:33. She is doing good though, thay knew it was coming. Death is just so negative, it could kill the most beautiful smile.

Do you know what else could kill a beautiful smile...boys. No, not boys, emotions. You start to get to know someone and you think, this could be great because we fit really well together, or he's super nice and he is someone I would want to spend time and get to know better...and then there is nothing. Nothing, there is flirting and the twinkle in the eye, but nothing more. I try being like Cathy, not wanting a relationship and embracing being single and turning down boyfriends left and right, but that is not what I want. I want someone to come home to, I want someone who can make me laugh and I can hold...just have fun with and be myself around. Who tells me I'm pretty when I cry, or makes the tears transtion from sadness or pain to joy and laughter. I've done the love thing, and it comes with a lot of baggage and a lot drama, but it is worth it. When you find someone that you just want to be near, and hearing their voice can makes you glow inside and out. I want to be a hopeless romantic, and have breakfast bed and stay up late talking about anything and everything. Or lay the under stars and just be. I want to fairytale all little girls want and I know it's not something that I can have because I haven't found that person, or if I have one of us doesn't know it.

Grrr....I do not like being a girl, and there you go. Very girly. I am so much better at keeping all this stuff on the inside but my fingers hit the keys and just started gliding across the keyboard without consulting my head first! It's good though, my heart needs time to release its thoughts!

Got a project! Later!
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