Title - NaPolA (National Political Academy)
Author -
kyoselfloveRating - Overall: NC-17
Chapter - 1/?
Genre - AU, Drama, Angst, Historical, War
Warnings - Overall: Character Death, Language, Nazis, Violence, Underage Sex, Use of Real Names.
Pairings - Akira/Kouyou (Reita/Uruha)
Summary - It's 1941, the world is at war but to the young, naive yet strong Akira, nothing matters then setting his life right. It isn't until he meets Kouyou at the Academy that he realizes how there is more to life than money and success.
Disclaimer - I am not affiliated with the bands or band members. This is a mere product of my imagination, none of this is true.
Notes: This is based off of the movie NaPolA:Before the Fall.
[Chapter One]