Fandom: Glee/Harry Potter crossover
Title: Flower Of The Court
jt4702A/N: please note that all text in italics is meant to be in French.
Flower of the Court
Chapter 1
Sometimes life has a funny way of working out. Sure, it takes a lot of detours and there are times when all a person wants to do is scream at the unfairness of it all, only to have things work out in the end. At this point in life, all Fleur Delacour wanted to do was scream at the universe for all the pain and horror she has endured in her short life. Her fiancée was murdered, and she had to fight along a seventeen year old Harry Potter to save the wizarding world and by default, the whole world from a crazy, power mad lunatic.
Once the dust settled, she did the only thing she could think of to save her sanity. Leave everything behind. Her family and friends pleaded with her to stay, but the memory of all the death and suffering she has seen just too much for her to deal.
“Fleur, must you abandon your life and your roots?” Apoline asks sadly.
“Yes, mama. Don’t look at it as me abandoning my life, but as a way for me to deal with everything. I don’t think I can stay here and not go crazy.” Fleur replies softly, a tear running down her face.
“But to go and live as a muggle girl in America? Isn’t that extreme even for you?” Gabrielle, her younger sister asks.
“We have talked about this long enough, but no, to me it is not extreme. I just need a change, and what better change than to live in a totally different world?” Fleur counters.
“What do you know about muggles?” Gabrielle fires back.
“I know enough. Unlike a lot of witches and wizards, I have done extensive research in muggle life. I know better than to isolate myself from the rest of the world.” Fleur counters as she finishes packing her things.
“What will you do? If you live among muggles you won’t be able to use magic.” Alain Delacour says with worry.
“Papa, I already told you. I have a job in a small town in America called Lima and I will be teaching French, and assisting a Mr. Schuester with his Glee Club.” Fleur explains for what feels like the thousandth time.
“Promise you will be in touch.” Apoline says resigned.
“Of course mama. Just make sure you all use non-wizarding ways to stay in touch. I do not look forward to explaining the owls and heads popping in and out of fireplaces.” Fleur says with a smile.
“Yes, dear. Will you at least make sure you take your wand with you? You never know when you might need it.” Alain says with a sigh.
“Yes, papa. I have it with me, but I won’t use it unless it is an extreme emergency.” Fleur says.
“Do you have to fly in those aeroplanes? Why don’t you just apparate over? It would a lot faster.” Gabrielle says.
“It will give me time to think. I also need to make sure the American government has a record of my arrival. I can’t just show up to teach out of thin air.” Fleur explains yet again, a frustrated sigh escaping her flawless features.
“Why can’t you just use magic to fix that?” Gabrielle asks.
“Because it’s abuse of power. I would hate to have someone mess with my memories, and it’s too much work. I still need to have my paperwork in order, so it would be easier to just fly over and go through customs and do all that muggles do when they fly to a different country. It keeps things safe. Besides, it will be bad enough that I will have to lie to them about my past, and where I got my teaching degree.” Fleur says, frustrated.
“All right, that is enough girls. Gabrielle, stop tormenting your sister. She knows what is best. Fleur, we trust you. Just be safe.” Apoline jumps in before the situation can escalate.
“Honey, do you have everything you need?” Alain asks his eldest child.
“Yes, papa I do. I’m taking what I can with me, and the rest is being shipped to my new home as we speak.” Fleur says as she double checks that she has her passport, work permit and airline ticket. She also make sure that she has keys to her new house, all her banking information, ATM and credit cards, and of course, enough U.S. dollars for the layover in New York City. She makes sure she has the paperwork for her rental car for when she finally lands in Toledo.
They all head over to the airport. Fleur checks in, and after getting everything sorted out, she hugs each member of her family. They say teary good byes, and promise to keep in touch. She then steps through the metal detectors and into her new life, mixture of fear, trepidation, and excitement warring inside of her.
The flight from Paris to NYC’s JFK’s International Airport is uneventful. She only has to deal with a couple of men staring at her, and trying to pick her up, something she is used to because of her Veela heritage. When they finally land, she goes through customs, and is surprised at how fast she goes through. She has heard horror stories about the delays, so she’s quite grateful that they just checked to make sure her paperwork was ok. She grabs her suitcases, and catches a cab ride to La Guardia for her flight to Toledo.
Once again, everything happens without incident, and she’s finally getting into her rental car that will do until she can get a more permanent form of transportation. The drive from Toledo to Lima goes on without major incident, just the usual rush hour traffic. She is glad she insisted in a car with a GPS system to help her navigate her way to her new home. She is exhausted by the time she pulls in the driveway of her new home, a small smile gracing her features.
“Welcome to your new life, Fleur Isabelle Delacour.” She whispers as she crosses the threshold of her new home. She quickly grabs her suitcases and hauls them in, followed with her carry-on. She leaves the big suitcases behind, and grabs her carry-on and heads up the stairs to the master bedroom. At least she had enough presence of mind to make sure she bought a new bed when she was finalising everything for the start of her new life. She quickly grabs her cell phone and after a quick phone call for take out, she heads to the bathroom for a quick shower. The doorbell rings just as she’s stepping out of the bathroom. “Perfect timing,” she mumbles to herself. Fleur quickly grabs a robe to throw over her nightgown, and heads back down the stairs. She grabs some cash from her purse, and pays for her food. After a quick dinner, she cleans up, and efficiently goes through her nightly routine, all the while hoping that she’ll be too tired for nightmares, for once she’s quite happy for the jetlag she has. She finally heads to bed, silently praying for a quiet night. She falls asleep soon after her head hits the pillow, and thankfully, to a dreamless night.
Click for chap.2