Sep 29, 2004 18:47
Ok everyone...listen up!
I have been informed that someone has been letting my stepmom know of my journal and other things. To me this is an act of betrayal!! If I ever find you, there will be hell! After this post, this journal will be friends only! Certain people will only be allowed to read it...them being my CLOSEST friends. Now, I may not let some of my friends read it, even though though they are my friends, due to them not being close enough to me. No offence to certain friends, but those that I share with my sister have a good chance not being on my friends list. Sorry, but I want all ties between my family and my journal to be severed...I want no entiries to reach them at all. Sorry, but I am feeling very betrayed right now...some of you know how serious I take this...some will find out.
So, right now I am distrusting everyone! I dunno who has been leaking to Cindy...heck, the only reason I know is due to Cindy tell me to my face that someone is and that they think I am a liar.
Ok, let's back up one second. My journal is mine, I write what I want. My journal is something I use to vent, to express myself. I exaggurate, quite a bit...and with my typing style, I may type something a little off.
Ok, this is too whoever betrayed...What did I do to deserve this? What the hell did I do to you? You claim to be my backstabbing, evil pussbutt!!! I can't believe that one of my friends did this!! I can believe my sister doing it, she is ungrateful! Though, she will be my sister she can screw me as much as she wants...she will not lose me. Though, none of you have such luxery! If I find out who you will be tough. If I find it to be one of you girls...take my word that I will NOT raise a hand to any of you! I am still a man of honor on that...I will never strike any of you...though, you will be sorry! My trust has been infinate! I said I would answer any question...any thing that you ask, no matter how person or embarressing to prove my honesty! And this is how you pay me back, you lie and betray me! I am shocked, sadened, and pissed.
By next post, this journal will be for deserving eyes only! Only those I truely trust will read my entries! Some of my good friends will not be able to read it, for that I am sorry. I mean no malice towards you, but I want to be absolutly sure that my journal never reaches the eyes in my household. If you wish to know how I am doing, call me or get in contact with me.
I am fed up with people using my thoughts and feelings against me...I am putting up a wall to test everyone's trust!