icon has nothing to do with post; it's just pretty.

May 19, 2011 18:16

Having watched the first three CSI seasons, I think I've been spoiled by Bones, Castle, and earlier seasons of Criminal Minds and NCIS. I want to like these characters, but the show doesn't give me anything to latch onto. I like all the characters, don't get me wrong, but in a vague, superficial way. I know in the current and past season Lawrence Fishburn's character gets a lot of focus, but still... I'll watch the rest of the seasons, but I'm hoping for more.

Speaking of seasons... Why is it EVERYONE MUST DIE WEEK??? I mean, even freaking GLEE, had one. Is it because it's almost May 21??? Bones, I'm looking right at you, you are officially ON NOTICE *Colbert-esque stare*
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