(no subject)

Jun 12, 2009 02:32

my f-list is being eaten up by bigbang and I'm loving it!!! XD XD XD

My goal is to comment (well) on everything I've read. There are some real stand outs, and even the ones that aren't my favorite are really really good as well.

Talk about a feast after a famine.

I've also got a cute little blackberry curve as a new phone, yay. It's super great for everything except watching videos. Also, not impressed with the camera quality, but still! Very cute.

Other things to be excited about: Butch Walker recording new cds??? and Greta also in the studio. HAPPINESS.

A note of reminiscence: when I first got into fandom, I only had a vague idea who Butch Walker was - I only had a couple of random mp3s by him. Then, as I felt my way around, there was this random dude named Butcher who also went by the name of Andy. And there was an Andy from Fall Out Boy; both were vegan. Of course, invariably, there was Jon Walker from patd, and I was like ... this is very confusing (first rpf fandom. Dudes, I'm more used to way out there names.) Don't even get me started on how I really didn't think there was much of a difference between Mike and Mikey. Boy, did I learn quickly. Spencer, Brendon, and Gerard will always hold a special place in my heart for being names I can quickly distinguish.
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