... to a catfight. Hissing, screaming, screeching, fur flying, the whole two bits and a shave.
Only, you know, between my two sisters.
They're rather both highly strung - my older sister tends to think of herself as a princess and my younger one's a bit anal retentive. They're fine as individuals, but when you put them together... it's like that marimo commercial, where once you put that wee pellet into the water and then it kind of seethes and enlarges and becomes this dark chaotic massive portal into HELL.
Like that only louder and screechier and possibly better groomed.
Apparently, today's arguement is over the bathroom. Now, J finally found a job after a few months of unemployement and so C, after having the bathroom by herself in the morning for several months, finds herself having to compromise on bathroom time. Needless, to say, it did not work out. What compounds the ridiculousness of this fight is that the two of them work in the same building, different offices. C is frequently late to work (she's her own boss so it doesn't really matter to her) and it should make sense to haul her butt out a little earlier to give J a ride. Both of them are leery of this plan. So J thought that she could take the bus, or ask our dad, or I could take her.
So far so good. After their huge fight, fighting right outside where I was sleeping haha nice you guys like they are wont to do, I drop J off. C starts bitching on me when I get back home - she's not even ready to go out yet - and starts yammering about why she didn't want to take J to work this morning, and how she thought J was taking the early bus which is why she had to get up so early (cutting into her morning bathroom time etc. etc. etc.). Now usually I'm a fair person - but seriously? She's not even dressed yet and then she's bitching me out for driving our younger sibling to work - her FIRST fucking day of work after months of interviews and headhunting and frustration and stress that she's going to have to borrow money or use up her entire savings without getting a job and SERIOUSLY??? Starting a cat fight in the morning when C knows that J hates confrontation, especially when she's attacked unprovoked, and you know. being 4 years older and having her own car and financial security - she seriously needs to be starting that with her and then with me?
In more cheerful news
This is my new mp3 player There was a long hard thinkout between this one and the nano iPod (Pro: cute and user friendly Con: too expensive, not enough memory) and the iTouch (Pro: cute and light and plays Video and internet Con: too too too expensive and I HATE the touch keyboard - precisely the reason I didn't get the iPhone). But I have a couple of Creative Zen players and they've never done me wrong. It is TINY and oh so adorable. It's literally the size of a credit card and about as thin as the nano. It also holds 32 GB which is awesome - the video converter is not so awesome. I have to convert things 2-3 times between 2 programs before I can get it to upload and view properly. But that is a small annoyance compared to the utter adorableness of this one. yay.