Dec 19, 2007 00:50


I totally ended up paying through the nose for it (omg accessories, 8gb memory card, ACCESSORIES) but it was totally worth it. I'm kind of in love wth it. NEW PHONE+ME=OTP. I'm sorry people, but that's just the way it goes. The touch screen is awesome, even txting through touch screen is easy as pie. It's actually easier through touchscreen cause the flip txting part is a bit wider than my hands are capable of stretching. (yes, my abnormally stumpy fingers.........)

ALSO Unlimited txting and aiming pplz. When my AIM SN is offline? Y'all can totally message me and i'll get it as a text and be able to text back. WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeee. I had it with my old phone too but it's easier with this one ;D Plus the picture taking is kinda fun.

Um. Yeah, so >.> I just had to share my love of this phone. i'm sorry. *elopes with phone*

I'm not sure whether to call it GEORGE or Fred or Gred or Feorge

phone whoring

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