this is your life

Nov 21, 2007 19:56

So at dinner, my grandmother starts complaining about the maid again (which has in fact been my life for the past two months, and while some concerns may be legitimate although personally I don't really care as long as I like... don't starve and have tea, making noise because the maid is using UGLY HANGERS is not covered under my translation services for SANE PEOPLE contract). And then my dad tells her not to keep complaining at the dinner table. And I... eat fish. And then they argue some more while I... eat fish.

And then my grandma decides that she wants to leave home.


And she starts going to the storeroom and throwing stuff out to look for her bags so she can pack, in the process startling puppy enough that she hides in the dining and starts fussing, and she won't cross the corridor to the hall because she's too scared to walk in front of the storeroom door due to the possible threat of being hit in the face by flying ninja toilet rolls. the point of writing this entry my grandmother has not, in fact, run away from home, and puppy has deigned to leave the dining room, so I consider this evening a win.

/wrist, orz, nothing i say can salvage this

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