this story has no punchline

Apr 30, 2007 23:29

A couple of days ago, I walked out of my room to realise that some manner of green liquid was apparently /oozing/ out from under the clothes cabinet next to the door. After being somewhat mystified and a little apprehensive, it was ascertained that leakage from my air-conditioner + a green marker in the pen holder underneath = shenanigans! I moved on to laughing like a lot after that step because I wasn't actually the one cleaning up.

Two minutes ago, I looked up to a vague buzzing sound, which normally signifies a beetle trapped in my room (I co-habitated quite peacably with one for a little under a week, as seeing it didn't want to take any of my subtle hints to vacate, such switching off my room lights and leaving the door open with the hall lamp on) but which was instead the a/c hemorrhaging coolant all over my desk. And then several seconds later, a second /miniature Niagara fall/ right over my router, wireless mouse unit, and monitor.

It was all very dramatic, like those, um, theatrical devices where props such as the weather mirror the character or situation's mood. I forget the actual terminology but I'm pretty sure it was something to do with idiocy or fallacy, and that suits my current mood perfectly fine.

Also, my table is wet.

nothing i say can salvage this

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