doo doo doo

Aug 03, 2006 19:34

CORS status: I can't bid on the rest of the modules I want until next week. Have I ever mention how I, and everyone else forced to actually deal with this system, REALLY HATES IT LIKE A LOT? And I, uh, can't place an advance bid because I just tried and the system is broken. Dear NUS, you bring negativity into my life.

Yesterday, I was woken up by my dog throwing up in my room at 6am in the morning (at least not on my bed this time). And then I proceeded to follow her around blurrily while she tore up the house a bit. And then when I tried to go back to bed, my mom brought her back into my room and she was very sick for a couple of hours while I fed her water from a plastic cap. She recovered before I called the ambulance so that's SOMETHING. We figure she ate something wrong and had an allergic reaction or food poisoning or something.

In news that geekily pleases me: My server on WoW is open for transfers, finally! Everyone whom I've been trying to kidnap to my server knows who they are. ♥

school is my emo

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