Feb 07, 2006 16:46
A new year
One more tick mark on the prison wall of living this thing called life. Nothing particularly interesting has started since the new year. I was supposed to be saving moeny, but I blew it mostly on Jenn and a bit on myself as well. However, I do fully intend to start saving once again. I have been spending a lot of money lately. Nearly as much as I spent around Christmas time. The nice thing about it though is that I do feel phenomenal every time I give her a gift, I am a complete block of cheddar when it comes to her. Besides, I am earning mad fucking fat bank so screw it, I can afford to be reckless with my cash flow.
I have started doing some very light yoga in association with the push ups and sit ups that I have been doing. I can feel the results, but they never seem to manifest themselves in a physical sense. No rippling abs or nice form/musculature. I am still continuing to abosorb books, music, and other media at an insane pace. So far as my vow to start drawing with more regularity, well I was doing pretty well, but I have sort of taken a slight lapse recently. However, I am actively making an effort to change that.
The Working Week
My job is far too easy and the more I learn about it from the others around me, the more I am glad that I have no intention of staying at ESI permanent like. I feel as though I have started to learn the ins and outs of what I can and can not do at work, or rather what I can and can not get away with. I enjoy working with the people that I work with and I do enjoy having the skills which they have trained me for. I would like to change my schedule though, the four days a week is far better on paper, or at least it looks much better when you get off earlier. Working until midnight is not that great since I never get to see Jenn or anyone else any longer, and I do miss that basic connection to humanity. However, I do get a healthy amount of reading done and will hopefully be able to review all of that a bit.
Well, I am not enrolled at this time, however I have officially been told that I do have an Associate of degree of Art... it took me long enough. I have officially been advised on my next steps and what they should be for my continued pursuit of a Masters, I would like to go further though. I do not want my education to ever end, it is far too dear to me for me to allow it to simply stop completely.
Jenn has been more or less my only contact for a bit now, and really it continues to make me smile contentedly every time I have a moment to myself where I am just there. Nothing really of interest though. V-day is coming and I am gonna try and keep it toned down with the gifts, but I will still be doing an obscene amount of stuff, at least that is the plan.
Seems to be doing well, but it is hard to tell since I don't particularly see them that often due to work and life in general. The sisters appear to be at odds with the parents, but that is expected I suppose. In fact, it seemed as though they had decided that I was also to be despised. Heh, O well. The parentals are increasingly busy, but they both seem to be enjoying themselves. Although, it seems like whenever we talk I say something that I can tell upsets Al. It isn't that I particularly mean to do so, but I invariably do. (side note:the episode of Bebop with Ed's father is definately in my top five)
Life and times
So, it looks like moving out will not be happening right now, or anytime during this next year. School, may end up being postponed due to love, but I do not know about that. It will be an issue in and of itself and I should not worry about it until the time comes for that. Yoga is fantastic; I want to be crazy good at it.
Continues to be an enjoyable read. It is not at all an awe inspiring story, but it is just something that I can lose myself in for a good our or so with each new trade.
Y:The Last man
Is definately going to continue improving as it goes on. It'll be one of thoe series that you know how it ends, but you just want to be there for the ride. The journey is all of the fun with a book like Y.
Tricked:Alex Robinson
Is artistically far better than Box Office Poison was. However, as a story I think Poison was much stronger. Still, a good read.
Is a collection of short stories by James Joyce. As such, it is exactly what one gets by reading a collection of short stories. Some are great, others aren't. They all feel like they should be linked together and if they are well then I missed it. The entire book has a feel about it that is hard to explain, but really quite nice to be pulled into. The last story was by and large my favorite tale, and the ending sticks with you. Damn good read.
The Trial:Kafka
Dead mother fucker. I want to read a finished version of this story so badly. The books starts off very strongly and continues with the same nearly apathetic mood throughout. Towards about the end it starts to turn to misery and dread and since the last three chapters are all unfinished you basically have a roller-coaster with one drop straight into the ground. No twists, no turns just straight down and then CRASH. Still a good book to read, especially if you are familiar with the writer and his other works at all.
Hellsing, book one:Hirano
IS good. Definately a series that appears that it will live up to the hype I have heard surrounding the manga. The anime is a favorite of mine and definately something I want to own all of.
Please Teacher!:anime
Is exactly what you would expect it to be by looking at it. It is a good silly overly sexual anime though, not at all bad to lose yourself in it for a day.
Was okay. Glad it was more or less given to me. Not something I would have really spent my money on per se.
Home Movies:Seasons one and two
I love home movies so much. Some of the best episodes are definately on the second season. The animation really starts to come into its own by the end of season one and asserts itself completely with season two. The first season is where all of the improvised episodes are and if that was your schtick that is also where the squiggle vision is. There are some very strong episodes on season two(the birthday episode and the finally). The commentary is fairly good, and the special features are middling. On season one they do a bunch of little extra things, such as "Baby Punk'd" but otherwise nothing of interest.
Ninja Scroll:the series
Was not as good as the movie by any means. The movie was good because unlike the series it was short. It ended, it was its own little time capsule of perfection. The series goes on for an eternity, but there are some good moments that I will most likely rewatch a couple of times.
Was good. The acting was lacking but the story and writing and direction were good. If you are into introspective thought inducing movies and do not mind a pinch of pretension then it is a good film to check out. Still need to look at the features though.