Well, well, well.

Oct 17, 2005 02:28


Express hasn't called yet, but it has only really been one business day thus far. Yeah, I am sweating it a little. John called on Thursday and let me know that I didn't have to work on Friday, which makes the first Friday I have had off pretty much ever. On Saturday, the course was completely void of people because the bugs were horrendous; which made my day slow as hell. I did a ton of cleaning around the pro shop and I had to be out of there by six, due to the mosquito spray. Sunday was essentially more of the same, but John opened in the morning so he stuck around for a bit. I ducked out just after seven, and that was that.

Still as good as ever. I have been teasing her to no end about her birthday presents, and she is going insane about it. She actually had me in a head lock at her house and had nail clippers to my throat promising me that she would eventually draw blood. I spent today over at her house after work, even though we weren't supposed to so that we could do school work. She was asleep by about midnight and I left shortly thereafter.

Well, It's been a weekend of reading and trying to get in touch with my Intro to Sociology professor. No dice with the latter bit.

I swung out to Wal Mart after Jenn's house and I ran into Darnell while buying Orange Juice. He is apparently considering heading into the military since he feels stuck here. Also, apparently he has a son on the way. It was good talking to him and catching up, but it is still weird to me that so many people I know head into the military. What is really bad about it is that I have even found myself thinking about the Navy as an option once I graduate. I can't help it really, I would head in as an officer. I don't think I will do it unless I really desperately need money after college. I talked to Simpson last night over AIM, and he seems to be doing well despite some bad juju that has come his way recently.

Finally managed to clean my bathroom and fuck all did it need it. Hopefully, I will be able completely knock out my room tomorrow and then maybe put my Monday notes into the spiral. Should be easy enough, but then I dropped the ball on all of that last week so eh.

I have next Saturday off and Jenn works the morning shift, so we are pretty much a guarauntee for the bowling alley shindig.

Random question
How often do you clean around your room/house?

I generally manage to do it once a week and I am completely covered.
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