Mar 28, 2005 22:51
I should be doing some research for anyone of the three three page reports that I have due on Thursday... However, the reports are for a perspective class that I'm not much caring for. They are not coming up with information via google searches(at least not easily located information). They only count for 15 points(cumulatively) on my teacher's 200 point grading scale.
Update anyone?
I spent the first hours of the day watching adult swim with Jenn at her house. At about two forty, I was barely keeping awake so I said my adieu and then got into the Jeep to head home. On the way, I dropped off the rental stuff and then in my sleep craving state I had the urge to go to Wal-Mart. I bought a magazine and some more cards(I have gotten back into Magic... semi-regrettably). I then went home and went to sleep at about three thirty. At one, I was awoke by Simpson calling me to see if I wanted to head up to the Creek. I then threw my dirty clothes into the washer and took a shower, donning my last clean pants/shirt. I called mom to inquire about our dead computer, then I waited for the rinse cycle and off I went to the Creek. I Played Magic all day and had Larry's for a snack at about twoish? maybe... Dad called me to get Jenn's name for the flight in June. I left the Creek at four thirty and went home to get ready for class. On the way home, Jenn called me and our conversation was interrupted by Steve, who had seen me driving and decided to call and say hello. My quick conversation with Jenn ended after I had gotten to my house, and my mom quasi-freaked out when I told Jenn I loved her. I put my clothes into the dryer, and talked to my parents about the computer(now up and running again). Then I went to class... I was five minutes late... class doesn't start on time anyway, so it didn't much matter. After an hour, we took a break and I put on my headphones and went for some Subway(product placement!). Went back to the room and ate as quietly as possible, with my headphones still on(which elicited looks from the teacher all class long). Richard called me just before the end of the break and I talked to him for as long as possible. As class continued, I added colour and what not to the drawing of Jenn wrapped up in the plaid blanket(more later) during the course of the lecture. Class let out just before nine and I called Jenn on my way to Wal Mart. I walked around aimlessly for a bit looking at random things(Pirate legos[hot damn I've missed pirate legos!], cds, etc.) and talking on the phone. I eventually grabbed a basket and went to gathering the things I was there for, however, as I made way for the door I realized that I had forgotten a few things. So, I opted to just say fuck it and leave anyway. I got home and everyone was asleep(at 9.30), my conversation with Jenn ended at about tenish. I grabbed my shit and went to the computer to do the school work that I needed to do. I started to burn some cds onto the computer, but it kept disconnecting from the sheer amount of things going on(it is a shitty little machine, but it's here). I gave up on the cds and just signed on and started to go about looking for research info. and checking my what have youse. After about forty five minutes of searching I gave up and decided it would be kosher to update my much neglected journal.
On to the random shit.
I dunno. I am getting back into it with a fierceness it seems, but fuck all. I am not quite sure if I really want to be. I do enjoy playing for what that is worth, but it is such a huge fucking drain on cash. However, this time, if I do get back in, Regionals will be the water mark. If I make good there, then fuck it I'm in. If I blow all sorts of the ass, then I'm out.
About a week ago, I mentioned to Jenn that I was probably going to buy some running shoes and try and take it up again. She said she wanted to run too, so I bought the shoes and yesterday afternoon was the running day. We were running down to her family's other property(.7 miles). An easy enough run, Jenn did fairly well considering she has never ever run before. I think she may have ran a mile, maybe. Hopefully. I ran with her for the first shot of it, and then I ran to her house and back on my own while she waited at the property for my return with her water. The 1.4 there and back kicked my ass, and her brother's wife? fiance? baby's mama hooked me up with some water and then they both heckled me a bit about knocking at the door. I asked Jenn's Dad if she could come with me to Dadd's on the Father's Day weekend and he gave me an ok. Although, four times, he told me to respect his daughter and it seemed to me that he was hesistant to give me a go ahead. After that, Jenn and I semi ran back to her house(run two, walk one... or something resembling that). I showered when we got back and then we ate some of her mom's soup(and it was delicious!). Jenn bathed, and I drew/watched tv while waiting on her.
Is the same as it ever was. Last weekend we managed to catch a good deal of rain so I clocked out early all weekend long. Lost about six hours total to the rain. Helen says she will no longer be at the course at the close of April. Pulling off the April Fool's prank will be difficult as I'll be in class... I could just wake up early to do it... hmmm... maybe. Doubt it though, I'm lazy. So fuck it.
Is easy. I am enjoying english and the bobinger class, while loathing the ethics and tech. pers. I need to sign up for my Regents Exam(which I am muchly delayed in taking). I need to get together info for my transfer to Armstrong at the end of the year. Read Dante's Inferno in Englsh, and enjoyed it... wanna learn Italian so I can read it with the original ryhme scheme. Otherwise, nothing horribly new and exciting.
Sketch books
Experimental book
Is extremely neglected.
Small book
Is extremely neglected, might end up with stuff in it tomm. though.
Large travel book
The drawing of the guy in my thursday class has been in stagnation since it began, but that is due to the movie we had to watch last week. Sort of hard to draw with the lights out. If and when I finish him, he will be posted. -Using brush pen, .05 pen, .01 pen, and blue pencil on outlining.
Drawing of Jenn in the Plaid Blanket is messed up in several areas. The color is off, however I have been using it to play with some things and the brush pens. I should have Jenn do some quick poses for the redo of this tomm, and maybe some other stuff as well. -Using red and black brush pens, .05pen, .01 pen, blue pencil for outlining, and number two for line work in the plaid and else where.
Did some random inking to older drawings in the sketch book, and I have been quite pleased with them. - Black and brown brush pens, .05 pen, and .01 pen.
Large stay at home book
Neglected over the last two weeks.
I don't have the patience to be great
This occured to me in class today. This guy was asking me if I could do the etchings that were done about Dante's Comedy. Looking at them, I know that I can do them. I also know that they would take forever to do, and that is the problem. I have come to the conclusion that with the way I am right now, I just don't have the patience when it comes to either writing(which I am mediocre at) or drawing, painting, art in general(which I am probably about average at) to do anything mind blowingly good. I can't sit down and just focus on putting pen to paper and putting it out there clearly and directly. I sit down and put the pen to paper only to let it fly off the handle after about fifteen to thirty minutes of working at it. The slightest little flaw causing me to stop in frustration.
Elvis Costello
Is my current musical addiction. I bought 'My aim is true' and have not stopped listening to it yet. I will most likely buy what I can find in town as well. So, I'll have about five of his cds by the end of April.
High on Ambition... low on follow through
Just thought about that, and it describes me perfectly.
Well, I suppose I should stop this thing now. It's long as all fuck already. If you read all of it, I hope you found something of interest, or maybe something thought provoking(although not likely since this is basically the comings and goings of a pretentious 20 year old south Georgian kid).