私 の ジョウルナル へ ようこそ。。。!!!
Im a JE's fangirl...^^
well, it's about 2 years and 4 month already since i drowning into Johnny's World.
Im a big fan of Hey!Say!JUMP, Jin Akanishi, TegoMassu, and KAT-TUN...
Firstly, Yabu Kouta is My Saviour Angel and also my "しゅじん-さま"。。。
and second is My whole Life Inspiration, Jin Akanishi... and third is My Peacefull-Maker, Arioka Daiki.
I won't forget My dear Beloved twin Yaotome Hikaru~<3, even thou our live really different by 180° but you always give me courage^^
Soshite, Tegoshi Yuya... I hope i can have a voice like your voice >\\\<
i'll practice hard for it...^^
and 'Practice Makes Perfect', right?! ^^
and That's all for my First Post~<3
藪 宏太 大好き~ xp
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