
Jun 28, 2010 11:34

Sketch time! The first pairing is so unusual for me, but as long as it's not Harry/Hermione I'm willing to try anything. I loved drawing Sirius. But don't worry, there is also H/D. ;)

In other news, I claimed a prompt at hd_fan_fair. I tell you this: enjoy all this fluff stuff I'm drawing lately while you can, because there will be some UBERANGSTY fanart.

Also, my eternal admiration for whoever guesses where the title of the first sketch is from. Hint: it's the song with the most beautiful final in the history of ever. /music geek

Title: For a minute there, I lost myself
Characters: Severus/Sirius
Rating: PG
Media: Pencil, PS
Notes: A commission for nykyo. This is an illustration for her fic: Prima o poi (trd. Sooner or later).

Title: Listen to my thoughts
Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: G
Media: Pencil
Notes: This is a commission for luredbyvenus.

fanart: snape/sirius, fanart: harry/draco, art, commission

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