bordem killer #1 Created by
bluh and taken 171 times on
bzoink!YOU...nameJakepiercingsnotatoosnoheighti don't knowhair colorblondeage17birthday12/8/87statusdating an awesome personschoolanderson high schooleye you rentedi don't knowmovie you boughti <3 huckabeessong you listened toElliott Smith "Junk Bond Trader"song stuck in your headElliott Smith "Junk Bond Trader"cd you boughtUnderoath "The Changing Of Times"cd you listened toElliott Smith "Josh's Mix"person you've calledi don't knowperson that's called youkaitperson you've huggedperson you've kissedperson you've fought withmy momperson you complimentedgarytv show you watchedfear factorclass you went wish you could live somewhere elsenoyou believe in online datingnoothers find you attractivenoyou want more piercingsyesyou write in cursive or printprintyou carry a donor cardnoyou believe in long distance relationshipsnoyou believe in using peoplenoyou believe in killing peoplenoyou believe in teenage smokingnoyou believe in driving drunknoyou believe in gay/ lesbian relationshipssureyou watch soap operasnoFAVORITE...foodpb&jsongElliott Smith "Junk Bond Trader"thing to dohang outthing to talk abouti don't knowsportfootball i guessdrinkdiet mountain dew or watermoviethere's a bunchx-manwolverinesayingpretty muchdisney moviealadinscenti don't knowwordpretty-much (hyphen makes it one word)nicknamejackobguy namewhat?girl namewhat?eye colorbluefloweranything colorfulclassautobodyHAVE YOU EVER...cried over a guyhmm that's a tough onelied to someoneyesbeen in a fist fightnobeen arrestednoeaten frog legsnoNUMBER OF...times i have been in love1times i have had my heart broken1hearts i have broken0drugs taken illegally1tihings in my past that i regret1DO YOU THINK YOU ARE...prettynofunnynohotnofriendlyi try to beuglyyeslovablei don't knowpessimisticwhat hell does that meanoptimisticagain what does that meancaringi try to besweeti try to bedorkyyesstubborni guessrandomsometimesDESCRIBE YOUR...walletblackhairbrushpurpletoothbrushgreyjewelery worn dailynonepillow coverblueblankettancoffee cupnonesunglassesnoneshoesblue and redhandbagnonefavorite topwhat?cd in stereo right nowElliott Smith "Josh's Mix"what you are wearing nowRed Emery shirt and jeanshairkind of long i guessmake upblue eye stuff and bright pink lipstick
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