Sep 03, 2007 18:26
So I decided to write another journal while watching one of the best musicals, PHANTOM OF THE OPERA! *sigh* me wub it.
Well its labor day weekend and of course I never go anywhere. Today was my homework day. Saturday and Sunday felt like saturdays. lol Friday was the coolest day cause my ma let me drive to Disney Quest with Isaiah after school which was a cool feeling. Disney Quest is okay but once you've gone there a couple of times, you get bored.
Did I mention to yall that I got a car?
Week 2 of Junior year went hella fast man. I couldn't believe it was friday already. I'll try to recap what happened this week.
Chemistry Ms. Grant- I like this class and the teacher so far but don't EVER be late to her class for any reason whether you're being tutored, taking a make-up quiz/test, etc. you can't use any of her class time to do anything else and she is unfortunately very strict about that. Julie knows what I'm talking about. Also, when you're late and homework is due that day, she doesn't accept it. I was late one day this week cause I was talking to a counselar and boy was she mad at me. lol Last year my teacher didn't give a damn about me being late.
Spanish Ms. Quinones- This lady is very easy and persuasive. Like If I forget my homework, I can give her an excuse and she'll accept it or whatever. I don't know if she's that easy but I know she is. lol Her is class simple I guess so far but its so boring. the boys in there are goof balls but other than that...zzzzZZZzzzZZZZzzzzz
Bodysculpting Mr. Gibson- well I'm glad that this class benefits me in many ways. First of all I'm sorta working out i guess (my muscles at least) and I need the PE credit...but I HATE the pain. OMG we had to do this one thing where you squat down as if you're sitting, but imagine like 20 pounds holding you down and then you have to lift it up and down. ahhhhh if you can't get that picture since I suck at describing, let's just say my thighs were killing me all week. I couldn't even walk down the freaking stairs. while walking, my left leg would like twitch since I was walking w/ my knees stiff so they wouldn't bend.
AP American History Mr. Hansen- The class doesn't have hard material but there is lots of reading, studying and writing involved. He doesn't give us busy work (thats what an AP class is) so you gotta do good on practically everything you do since there aren't many easy grades. Its funny cause he favors me a lot since I ask a lot of questions. weird huh? usually teachers hate me for that...ahem ahem (Mr. Serriani)
Lunch- I sit with Tarah, Kristen, and Jessi at the table. Tis all right but I miss michele a lot man. I'm so happy that tarah moved to our lunch though!!! I woulda felt like a loner this year. lol Kristen I can talk to though. All in all its alright. nothing like middle school of course. I'm not really friends with Jessi but I guess we cool if you know what I mean. She's a drama queen and always talking about her 25 year old boyfriend and how they have sex and yeah. lol weird person I talk to huh? lol I don't hang out with her, she mainly sits at the table with us cause of tarwah.
Pre-cal Mr. Serriani- *sigh* I'm gonna die in this class for sure. I hate coming home and not knowing how to do stuff. I gotta teach myself and then the next day he goes over homework that I didn't do. LMAO He never checks it and most of the time I don't know how to do the stuff so that class is cool with the homework part but its not gonna help with my grade. This class and AP history are classes that I'm gonna struggle in this year.
English III Mrs. Moore- well this class is so far pointless. The lady gives us notes and reads word for word the powerpoint. I hate when a teacher do that. Teachers should understand the stuff enough to explain it in a good way. not in a loooonnnggg 30 slide powerpoint. lol
well that concludes my week. this year isn't that bad.....OMG I forgot
Concert choir Mr. Swope and Ms. Huang- I'm liking the class but me and michele still kinda feel left out of the "chorus" clique or whatever. we don't feel like we belong. but I hope if we give it some time it'll pull through. the only thing that keeps me down is that if michele leaves, I'm gonna be alone in that class practically. Michele's my best friend at that school so yeah, I'll be bored