Oct 17, 2007 13:59
- Okay, there's definitely no peace for Shinku with Barasuishou on the island. She doesn't want her sisters to fight against her or each other, but Barasuishou's being a meanie and not making it easy.
- She's decided that if Bara's not going to stop the assault, she WILL take away her Rosa Mystica. What Rosa Mystica 8D?But even then she's really confused on the morality and stuff about it. Yeah.
- She won't let Hina Ichigo fight unless she's just at the wrong place at the wrong time. Otherwise, she wants Hina to stay away from Bara AS FAR AS POSSIBLE. Shinku has to protect herself as well, because if she goes, so does Hina.
- Knows Suiseiseki would never incite an Alice Game, but is unsure about Souseiseki.
- Just hoping the other two don't come. Even though she's not sure if Suigintou's even repaired after the damage she dealt her with. Still thinks she's just been turned into junk.
- Will yell at you if you try to involve yourself in her fight. Dx
- If fights are going to take place on island, expect a crap load of crystals appearing out of the ground the next day and rose petals EVERYWHERE.
Don't know if I need to add more, but eh.