Jun 29, 2010 14:00
last monday someone stole my checkcard number- made a card- and spent 650+ dollars.
i still dont have the money back and it may take another 10 days for me to get the money back.
on one hand- it's forced me to reign in my spending- on the other hand-
rent is due and the more time it takes for that money to get re-deposited, the more nervous i get.
i am really really broke. i HAVE TO STAY IN THIS WEEK. i just have to!
3 different meals this weeekend were paid for by friends (without any prompting- all three were offered out of nowhere) so that helped my already tight budget from this weekend.
got to see geoffery (whom i only see usually once a year during december)
and i really really like his new girlfriend.
i'm bummed out in general. i think it's because i can't control a certain situation, and i cant seem to stick to a budget so being broke is really weighing me down.
i really dont have much to complain about so why am i so.... down?
manic ride must be winding down.
not depressed. just foggy.
i cant wait to start my last semester of undergraduate classes. I CANNOT WAITTTTTTTTTT