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Ah.... the last day of 8th grade.
This picture contains:
-me- I am in the left-middle with the XL total chaos shirt and baggy thrift store pants.
-my incarcerated friend (the one i am corresponding with)
-1 navy man (whom is still one of my best friends),
-a hard-core meth/crack addict that lives in Montrose and barely has any teeth left,
-one person (whom was my childhood best friend) that passed away in 2003 in a car accident (R.I.P. Billy),
-a musician who now lives in NYC
-a local artist who currently works at Amy's Ice cream
-a few other myspace acquaintances...
I remember this day vividly because it was the last day of junior high- and high school would be starting in 2.5 months.
This was exciting because it was another clean slate.
I had high hopes for high school because I though there would be other punk rockers!
Once I got there- I realized that I was the only punk rock girl in the entire school-
and the only punk guys were junior and seniors (one of which was Hunter, R.I.P.)
These older boys thought I was a menace!
High school actually wasn't nearly as bad as I said/thought it was while it was happening...
but I was definitely the weird girl that carried a mannequin head around in my backpack
and smelled like photo chemicals.
Oh here's a not so secret piece of info:
My last 3 years of German class were a complete fraud. My German teacher made up our test scores and just played Phase 10 with us everyday for the entire schoolyear.
So why did she give me a B?!!?
Because she hated me.